Experience the pinnacle of coaching education with the Red On Applied Coaching Science Practitioner Program, guided by renowned experts Dr. Ash Cox, Coach Mike Chadwick and a Team of Red On Sports Scientists.
Our program philosophy goes beyond traditional learning, emphasising practical application and deep understanding, all within 8-10 hours per week. This will significantly upgrade your current personal training and coaching qualifications.
Choose a transformative journey that impacts not only your career but also the lives of your clients, athletes and loved ones.
Dive into a curriculum that sets the standard in applied coaching science, designed for real-world success, by those who have been successful in the real world.
Join a vibrant community of professionals dedicated to evidence-based practices and continuous improvement. A community recognised by the ACSP titles after your name, highlighting your qualified and accredited status.
Flexible online delivery with a graduation ceremony after 9 months, allowing you to learn on your schedule.